Anaconda 2 movie review
Anaconda 2 movie review


The resulting explosion sends the burning anaconda flying out of the building and into the water. Danny pins its tail to the ground with a pickaxe and ignites a fire below the smoke shack, setting the snake on fire. The snake regurgitates the still alive but partially digested Serone and chases her up a smokestack.


The anaconda gives chase to Terri, who retreats into the building and finds a nest full of newborn anacondas.


Serone attempts to catch the anaconda in a net, but it breaks free and attacks him, eventually swallowing him whole, while Terri and Danny watch as they escape their bonds. The snake attacks the pair, slowly suffocating them. Serone manages to catch up to the group and captures Terri and Danny, using them as bait in an attempt to capture a second, much larger anaconda. Cale stabs him with a tranquilizer dart before losing consciousness again himself, and Danny knocks Serone into the river. Serone, still believing he can capture the snake alive, attacks her. The snake attacks Danny, but Terri shoots it in the head. The crew winds up in the water, Cale wakes up in the process, and Westridge is killed in the fall from the waterfall. The anaconda climbs a tree and attacks Westridge, but the tree snaps. Serone breaks free during the attack and attacks Danny. The anaconda returns, and Westridge distracts it long enough for Terri and Danny to return to the boat while Westridge ascends the waterfall. Denise confronts Serone and attempts to kill him to avenge Gary's death, but he strangles her with his legs before dumping her corpse into the river. The next day, the boat becomes stuck at a waterfall, requiring Terri, Danny, and Westridge to enter the water to winch it loose. The crew overpowers Serone and ties him up as punishment. Terri attempts to shoot the anaconda to save him, but Serone knocks her gun away and the snake devours Gary. Serone attempts to capture the snake, but it coils around Gary, crushing him. That night, the anaconda attacks the boat crew. Serone promises that if the crew helps him find the snake, he will help them get out alive. Leaving the poacher's ship, Mateo falls into the water, where the anaconda attacks and kills him, while Danny and Serone return to their boat, unaware of Mateo's fate. A photograph in an old newspaper reveals that Mateo, Serone, and the poacher were working together to hunt animals, including snakes. Serone performs an emergency cricothyrotomy, seemingly saving Cale's life, but soon after, he takes over the boat, forcing the crew to help him achieve his true goal: hunting down a giant record-breaking green anaconda he had been tracking, which he believes he can capture alive.ĭanny, Mateo and Serone search the wreckage of the poacher's boat. Eventually, Cale is stung by a wasp, and an allergic reaction swells up his throat and leaves him unconscious. Most of the crew are uncomfortable around Serone, and Cale clashes with him several times about Shirishama lore. The group encounters stranded Paraguayan snake hunter Paul Serone, who convinces them he can help them find the Shirishamas. The crew includes director Terri Flores, cameraman and childhood friend Danny Rich, production manager Denise Kalberg, Denise's boyfriend and sound engineer Gary Dixon, narrator Warren Westridge, anthropologist Professor Steven Cale, and boat skipper Mateo. Meanwhile, a film crew is shooting a documentary about the Shirishamas, a long-lost indigenous Amazonian tribe. While it breaks through the boat and attempts to catch the poacher, he commits suicide by shooting himself to prevent it from killing him. On the Amazon River, a poacher hides from an unknown creature in his boat.

Anaconda 2 movie review